Make an Impact with Virtual Trade Shows

Engagement marketing, sometimes called “experiential marketing”, “event marketing”, “on-ground marketing”, “live marketing”, “participation marketing”, or “special events” is a mainstay of corporate marketing.

Trade show exhibition represents a significant portion of B2B marketers’ budgets with an average cost of between $15,000 – $30,000 per event. Trade shows are a mainstay, however ROI is sometimes hard to quantify. Besides the obvious expense, other factors include:

– Lack of control on which client/prospect stops at your exhibit
– Competing messages from rival companies
– Loss of productivity from travel
– Marketing effort is not retained or acted upon by client

A promising alternative to trade show marketing is the emergent trend of utilizing custom branded video brochures to engage the consumer at their office, without the expense of a traditional live event.   A “virtual trade show†on video book engages the client in a similar one to one experience however with greater reach, less distraction and higher ROI. Virtual trade shows via video book can replace exhibiting at a trade show or can be used to reinforce messaging to attendees, prospects, or top clients.

A virtual trade show consists of a dimensional direct mail package using a video brochure loaded with relevant video content, sent to a list of top prospects and clients. The video brochure can be customized to create one to one messaging along with presenting your latest marketing messages in print with video and sound. Your virtual trade show recipient will have your call to action at hand and be in the position to act, because they are at their office engaged in business activity.

A virtual trade show is no more expensive than exhibiting at a trade show; however, it offers greater reach with your marketing message staying top of mind with your client for longer. No matter how much “wow-factor†a trade show exhibit creates, video brochures will leave a far greater lasting impression and provide positive ROI.

To learn more about video books, watch our video or contact us.